Steele Plumbing is your Best Choice for San Diego Plumbing services. T
heir team of professional and seasoned plumbers take extra care to provide you excellent plumbing services.

Trenchless Sleeving: The Basics

What is it and How Does it Work?
Trenchless Sleeving creates a whole new pipe, within the existing pipe, that has deteriorated or has severe root intrusion. A sleeve is inserted throughout the length of the pipe. As the sleeve is being put in place a CIPP mixture lines the pipe, that when fully dry, will be as good as brand new!

Why Choose Trenchless Sleeving?
Most main sewer lines in San Diego homes are installed beneath the flooring of the home, and or several feet deep in the yard, which means, a plumber would need to dig up the piping to reinstall new. However, Trenchless Sleeving prevents any need to jack hammer up existing flooring, or excavate beautifully landscaped yards. It is also a more cost efficient way to fix your pipes rather than excavating to replace. The material used in Trenchless Sleeving will provide you with a good as brand new piping system.

When Can I or Can’t I use Trenchless Sleeving?
Once there is a major break or too serious corrosion, where the line has collapsed within the line, it may not possible to use trenchless sleeving. Let the professionals at Steele Plumbing check it out and we can create a specialized plan to best fit your home. 

Choose Steele Plumbing for your plumbing needs by calling (619) 254-7285